Music as a personal growth: 10 reasons to study music
10 reasons to study music
Our life is surrounded by the most disparate sounds. Even at night, in the utmost silence, it’s possible to listen to them. Life is cradled by sounds that can reduce stress or make us nervous and bring out strong emotions.
With their vibrations, sounds enter inside of us, from the ears to the heart and mind. We should learn to grasp the most harmonious sounds because of their positive effect.
No matter what our favorite music genre is, the important thing is that music provokes some emotions inside of us.
Listening to music
Sounds, in addition to stimulate us on an emotional level, give us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and, therefore, make us grow. It’s always been like this.
Music releases good vibrations that have the power to touch our emotional side and have a beneficial effect on our brain.
All this is so true that music has been banned from sports competitions. During a competition, in fact, it’s not allowed to wear headphones and listen to music. The risk is not that someone can give secret suggestions but that music can give such a beneficial effect as to become doping.
This claim is questionable, but if it were not true, why ban it?
You can realize for yourself that if you run or walk while listening to music you feel more “powerful”.
The reason why music has this effect is to be found in the parts of the brain that it stimulates.
In the past, some called “Mozart effect” the fact that listening to the music of this excellent composer increased listener’s intelligence. Apparently music in general has this effect, as it stimulates different areas of the brain simultaneously.
Music activates emotions and feelings and triggers very powerful memories.
With this long premise, next time you will listen to some music, do it intensely.
Of course, the “right music” will depend on the moment you are living.
Why study music
In addition to listening, the study of music is also very important. It is good to play an instrument in order to create emotions. There are ten good reasons for doing this and perhaps even more.
• It enhances psychomotor development. When we press the key of a piano for the first time or touch the string of a guitar we realize that we are producing a sound. Making music is a continuous psychomotor training: we can produce a sound by touching or blowing into an instrument
• It enhances language skills. The moment you start studying music you realize that you must be able to read it. You are learning another language in which there are not only letters: there are lines, points and symbols that indicate the rhythm, the height, the duration, the speed and the characteristic of the music.
In addition, music also has phrases and words that combine together to form a “speech”.
• It fortifies the cognitive system. The study of music develops logical-mathematical reasoning and the structure of mind maps. From the first lessons you learn the basics of mathematics and logic which are essential to learn the rhythm.
Thanks to music, it is possible to develop multiple thinking as different factors come into play at any time. Thanks to this, your memory improves.
• It stimulates artistic creativity. Before technique and reasoning, music is art and, as such, stimulates creative thinking.
• It increases listening and reflection skills. If you want to study an instrument, you need to listen and analyze what you play.
• It promotes empathy and social skills. When playing, in addition to listening to yourself, it is essential to listen to others. Music improves interpersonal communication skills and, through group activities, promotes social harmony and cooperation for the achievement of a common goal.
• It makes you feel more responsible. Playing an instrument is not easy, it takes patience, perseverance and passion. These are the values that must be perpetuated in order to always play well and in harmony. Playing also means having method and discipline in order to achieve our goals.
• It improves self-esteem and promotes personal growth. Daily practice brings tangible improvements. The more you improve with your instrument the more you will be satisfied. It’s a great tool for improving self-esteem.In addition, playing in front of an audience allows you to overcome your fears and anxieties.
• It helps develop your personality. Playing a musical instrument means engaging intellectually, having specific motor skills, being able to engage emotionally and sensorially. In addition, reading the score requires a fast processing of different information. These are the reasons why music requires strong memorization skills. Music requires you to perform different activities, to think quickly and to make decisions just as quickly.
• It supports yourself. The idea that making music is superfluous is opposed to the fact that music has been present in the life of each of us since birth and accompanies us throughout our lives. Scientific studies have shown that we are born with the brain ready to develop a musical world and that we have an innate ability to perceive music. We were born to make and listen to music.
Music is all of this and much more. Music is great, it arouses emotions, images and memories. Music is your soul that plays and it’s not only a matter of notes.
A simple music course is not enough to internalize all this, you need a creative path that stimulates the creativity of a musical emotion.